[Plone-com] Make it easy to collect "success story like content" by using interview format.
Armin Stroß-Radschinski
2012-09-15 12:19:12 UTC
Yesterday I asked Philip Bauer for a success story related a new
project they are doing in the industry market. During the chat it came
out lieke everywhere, they are fully booked until November. During
negotiation to push him to a result and look for ways to make it easy
to get something into place I finally asked him if he would like to
give an interview. I like this format for a long time and enjoy
reading these spiritful documents even after years.

The intranetizen document with Matt Hamilton is agood example how
"salesmann" language can be avoided when answering with touching
arguments related to an external question.

See this Trello card to start working on this!


Ask for an invitation to collaborate and edit the Trello content on
this list


Intranetizen Plone interview (Manuscript)
Maurizio Delmonte
2012-09-15 15:20:55 UTC
much +1 on the interview format.. go on to refine in the trello card the
storyboard of a *good* interview..


On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Armin Stro?-Radschinski
Yesterday I asked Philip Bauer for a success story related a new project
they are doing in the industry market. During the chat it came out lieke
everywhere, they are fully booked until November. During negotiation to
push him to a result and look for ways to make it easy to get something
into place I finally asked him if he would like to give an interview. I
like this format for a long time and enjoy reading these spiritful
documents even after years.
The intranetizen document with Matt Hamilton is agood example how
"salesmann" language can be avoided when answering with touching arguments
related to an external question.
See this Trello card to start working on this!
Ask for an invitation to collaborate and edit the Trello content on this
Intranetizen Plone interview (Manuscript)
Maurizio Delmonte - [maurizio.delmonte at abstract.it]

Abstract Open Solutions [http://www.abstract.it] - Tel: +39 081 06 08 213

*See you at the PloneConf!* [http://goo.gl/2uzeB]


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